Friday, January 28, 2011

January 22, 2011

Oh Roxie...

January 18, 2011

So I was creeping around the app store today & they had a college essentials group of apps & facebook was one of the first apps on the list. Apple knows us college kids so well haha

January 16, 2011

Well it's a little hard to see, bit this truck had a sticker on the back windshield that read "God is so good!" & I just thought that was the coolest thing

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 9, 2011

[[posterous-content:pid___0]]Sadie snuggled up with me yesterday and watched the football games with me. She's so cute :)

January 8, 2011

I got a little creative today and made this little picture that we could maybe use for our wedding. We found this a while back when I took the girls' graduation pictures and thought it was perfect for me and Liz since we are getting married and our date is the 2nd of July. Thanks to Patty for taking this awesome candid shot!

January 7, 2011

[[posterous-content:pid___0]]These wedding flutes are pretty sweet, but thanks to the Koch's we have a set of beautiful flutes to toast with at our wedding. Definitely cooler than these guys 

January 6, 2011

My best friend and Sadie are so freaking cute! Just look at them all snuggled up together :) 

January 5, 2011

Hobby Lobby has some awesome stuff for weddings, including HUGE vases

January 4, 2011

Me and Liz have so much together, even when I can't see haha

January 3, 2011

Roxie and Sadie are such goobers. We kennel them up when they eat their dinner and today when we told them to get in their kennels, they both got into the same one. Bahaha

January 2, 2011

I saw this card in the Detroit airport during our second 2 hour delay and thought it was awesome. It just had this cool stick figure guy on the front and on the inside it said "Happy Birthday Dude." I definitely need to get some of these guys cuz that's pretty much what I say to everybody on their birthday. 

January 1, 2011

Happy New Year! Sadie sure knows how to ring in the new year, by grabbing her favorite treat and looking super cute! I'm pretty sure that Liz and I have the most awesome puppy EVER!

December 31, 2010

We went out looking for wedding stuff today (and hit the jackpot!) and stopped in at Jimmy Johns for lunch and this was one of the signs hanging in the window.

December 30, 2010

So on our way back to Liz's grandmothers apartment we stopped to help her check her mail and we noticed something strange. One of the residents had gotten a banana in the mail. I don't know who this Vance character is, but he/she might have hit the jackpot! haha

December 29, 2010

Wow. This is the most ridonkulous display of Christmas lights in a front yard that I have ever seen. Way to go Buffalo, New York! haha

December 28, 2010

This is a road sign for the Queen Elizabeth Way, the main highway that runs from Buffalo to Toronto and also through Canada. 

December 27, 2010

Tonight Aunt Robin took Liz and I to the TIFF theater/art gallery to watch one of my all-time favorite movies, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and to get a little peak of the Tim Burton exhibit that was on loan from the Muesum of Modern Art in New York City. It was so neat getting to share this with Liz because she had never seen it before and it has been a tradition of mine and my family since we were little to watch Nightmare every Christmas Eve. 

December 26. 2010

This is the boat that we have been driving during our stay in Buffalo/Toronto. This is also how it compares to a normal car. Why do they let old people who can't see very well drive these things? Momma Whiting could barely drive it and she is a great driver. I guess this kind of explains why older people drive so slow sometimes. But anyways... this car was a beast and reminded me of my first car that I had back in high school, a good ole 1988 Oldsmobile Regency. That thing was a tank and a POS, but it was fun. 

December 25, 2010

Yay Christmas! 

December 24, 2010

It's Christmas Eve! I super love Christmas time and this little cube thing at Robin's house captured the mood of the whole season very well. So  many people get so grumpy and rude during Christmas with all of the shopping and junk that they have to get finished (usually because they procrastinated. Hey I'm not judging I do it too) and they forget what Christmas is all about. It's about loving each other and being thankful that a little 8lb 6oz baby was born who would give up His life for us so that we would be forgiven of our sins and allowed to dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever. It's so stinking awesome! Go Christmas!

December 23, 2010

Today we drove from Buffalo to Toronto to stay with Liz's aunt Robin and uncle Robert and we passed through Niagara Falls. We got through customs really quickly so we got to stop for a few mins and sight-see. These falls are stinking awesome and so beautiful! They had huge icicles hanging off of them and the roar of the falls was so neat. Very, very cool to see them and can't wait to go back and see them again!

December 22, 2010

Today we had an adventure trying flying to Buffalo. Included in our adventure was a 2 hour flight delay in Detoit. Luck for us they had a sweet Wendys were I could watch the Boise State game and Liz could get some food and this awesome color-changing tunnel that we took to get to the right part of the terminal. It played music and even changed color/intensity according to the music. So cool!

December 21, 2010

Liz likes to laugh. Sometimes she laughs really hard and ends up on the floor. She's cute :)

December 20, 2010

Today the wind played tricks with Momma Whiting's hair while we were checking out the reception hall. Bahaha

December 19, 2010

Tonight Momma Whiting treated Liz and I to the Transiberian Orchestra show in the American Airlines Arena in Dallas. It was so awesome and really put you in the right mood for the Christmas season with the way that they presented the story and the songs. Super cool!

December 18, 2010

Tonight Me and Liz went the the ICE show at the Gaylord Texan with Alyssa, Patty and Patty's new boyfriend Patrick and it was a lot of fun. This year's theme was Charlie Brown and all the ice sculptures were recreations from the Charlie Brown Christmas movie. Learning how they make all these sculptures was really fascinating and we all had a great time together. 

December 17, 2010

This is what my best friend sees almost everymorning as she drives to work. The sunrises are so pretty, but the getting up that early to drive out there and see them isn't nearly as pretty. 

December 16, 2010

Socks helped me wrap presents today. And by helped, I mean he just sat in the middle of everything while I tried to work. 

December 15, 2010

For some reason I realized tonight on my way to youth that I have quite a bit of random stuff hanging from my rearview. I have a pair of fuzzy dice, a scented-bass air freshener, my MSG nametag, cross and a lanyard. Represent!

December 14, 2010

I went to Walmart today to do some Christmas shopping and they only had one checkout lane open to serve the entire store. Terrible idea Walmart, just terrible. They definitely aren't ready for the Christmas shopping season haha

December 13, 2010

Saw this guys truck today with the sweeet Christmas antlers on it and I though more about the Texas Rangers than Christmas. I still have no idea what happened to make me like baseball so much but, go Rangers!

December 12, 2010

Coppell FUMC all decked out for the Christmas season. 

December 11, 2010

When Sadie sleeps she likes to spread out and get comfy. So much so that she usually ends up kicking us off the bed by the morning

December 10, 2010

According to this billboard outside of Putnam, TX the end of the world is May 21, 2011. Bring it on...